Ans Capital Partners


ANS Capital Partners is an investment company focused on private equity and real estate in the United Kingdom.

Investment Philosophy

Our core approach

We focus on three main investment strategies: Healthcare, Real Estate, and Distressed opportunities. In the healthcare sector, we invest in domiciliary and residential care businesses with stable cash flows and strong customer demand, particularly those with government contracts or consistent self-funding referrals. We prioritise businesses with strong management teams. In the real estate sector, we seek commercial properties that can be used for residential care homes, supported living, or extra care for both children and adults.

Additionally, we invest in other types of properties that can be converted into such care facilities. We are also always actively seeking distressed investment opportunities, specifically in businesses with sustainable models but complex financing requirements or uncertain financial outlooks due to internal or external factors, or those expecting restructuring. Our investment approach involves thorough research and analysis across different industries and asset classes in the United Kingdom.

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